The purpose of Akoranga o Naenae is to raise the achievement, engagement and success of our learners by having extended, focused teaching on the skills of being an active learner. Our aim to support what is happening in class by boosting learners understanding of what helps learning happen.
This concept is being discussed, researched, used, assessed and explored in many educational settings around the world. In the development of AoN's vision and purpose, we have read, watched, discussed, analysed and implemented the aspects we feel would most benefit our learners based on our current data.
These are some of the sources of information we have used to support what AoN is aiming to achieve.
The clip that got our juices flowing: What if students designed their own schools?
Sir Ken Robinson:
Tedtalk video: this is the most watched Ted Talks of all time. It shows how education is changing and challenges us to think about how we, as educators, need to change, too. Changing Ed Paradigms

Exploring the education system (mostly in the U.K. and U.S.A but there are themes relevant to N.Z.) and what innovative things some schools are doing to help students be successful. There is some evidence of the impact of these innovations on learners' achievement.
Michael Fullan:
A Rich Seam: Got us thinking about where education is going, the role of teachers and leaders going forward, the place of community partnerships with schools, key future skills as well as many more things to reflect on.
Valerie Hannon:
'Next Practice' in Education: a disciplined approach to innovation: we liked how Valerie wrote about using what is known to be best practice and putting it together in a new way to best support those in front of you, as well as many more things.
Stephen Ritz:

Jane Gilbert:
Catching the Knowledge Wave? The Knowledge Society and the future of education: A New Zealand educationalist discussing the place of knowledge in schools. She challenges us to think about how it's not just about what kids learn but in fact much more importantly who learners USE their knowledge. We are reflecting about curriculum, skills, values.

Charles Leadbeater:
We enjoy watching TedTalks that explore education around the world. This one shares stories about 'radical new forms of education'. Education innovation in the slums
Kiran Sethi:
We love it when we hear about kids being the drivers of change. This is a story of how a group of children in India raised awareness about an issue important to them. Kids take charge
Innovative Learning Environments
Using the 7 principles also discussed in The Nature of Learning, this publication gives lots of examples from around the world of the principles in action.
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